is an embedded integration and automation platform for SaaS companies

Offer your customers comprehensive integrations between your SaaS platform, Teamleader old api and Google Drive

Fast, flexible and powerful integrations is an embedded integration platform for SaaS companies. Use the Blend Editor to create comprehensive integrations between your SaaS platform and 500+ marketing, sales and events cloud tools without coding.

Integrate your SaaS platform with Teamleader old api and Google Drive to sync data between cloud tools, trigger certain actions in Teamleader old api and Google Drive when some data changes in your SaaS platform and the other way around.

Supported features

Teamleader old api

Create deal
List deals
Get deal
Create deal with multiple lines
List contacts
Create contact
Update contact
Link contact to company
Create subscription
List subscriptions
Get subscription
List subscriptions for company
List subscriptions for contact
Create subscription with multiple content lines
List departments
List companies
Create company
Get company
List milestones
Get milestone
Create milestone
Delete milestone
List projects
Get project
Create project
Update project
List users
Get user access rights
Create task under project milestone
List tasks
Get task
List task types
List custom fields
List calls
Get call
Add a call
List invoices by deal
Sending an email invoice reminder
List meetings
Get meeting
List segments
Create product
List products
Delete product
Get product
Update product
Update product
List notes
Create note
List tickets
Get ticket
List ticket messages
List timetracking with time range
Get time tracking
Get timetracking from task
Need another feature from Teamleader old api?
Contact us, our dedicated team can usually add new features in 48 hours.

Google Drive

List files
Get file or folder info
Create file
Update file
Copy file
Delete file
Empty trash
List file revisions
List file comments
List replies on file comment
Export file
Use this endpoint to get the content from a Google Doc file type, if you want to get the content from a file with a different file type (like PDF), use the endpoint "get file content as base64".
List changes
List activities
List new activities incrementally
Get start page token to list future changes
Get file revision
Export file revision
Export file revision for google doc
Export file revision for google sheet
Export file revision for google presentation
Create file from base 64
Get file content as base64
Create folder
Create file
Trash file
Untrash file
Watch file
Receive notifications on file changes
List items in folder
List drives
List folders
List child folders
Need another feature from Google Drive?
Contact us, our dedicated team can usually add new features in 48 hours.

Integrate your SaaS platform with 500+ cloud tools

Use to add comprehensive integrations to your SaaS platform

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