Offer your customers comprehensive integrations between your SaaS platform and Salesforce

Fast, flexible and powerful integrations is an embedded integration platform for SaaS companies. Use the Blend Editor to create comprehensive integrations between your SaaS platform and 500+ marketing, sales and events cloud tools without coding.

Integrate your SaaS platform with Salesforce to sync data between cloud tools, trigger certain actions in Salesforce when some data changes in your SaaS platform and the other way around.

Supported features for Salesforce

Get lead count
List leads
Search leads by email
Get lead by id
Get lead by name
Create lead
Update lead
Delete lead
List new and updated leads incrementally
List deleted leads incrementally
Upsert lead by external id
Update or insert a lead based on its external id.
List leads
Search leads by phone
Search leads by phone advanced
List new and updated leads incrementally
List leads
Get lead
List new updated and deleted leads incrementally
Create lead
Update lead
Update lead
Create contact
Update contact
Delete contact
Get contact by id
Search contacts by name
Search contacts by company
Search contacts by email
List contacts
Get contact count
List new contacts incrementally
List new and updated contacts incrementally
Search contacts by phone
List contacts phone numbers
List deleted contacts
List deleted contacts incrementally
List new updated and deleted contacts
List new updated and deleted contacts incrementally
Upsert contact by external id
Update an existing or insert a new contact based on its external id.
Search contacts by account id
List contacts
List new updated and deleted contacts incrementally
Get contact
Create contact
Update contact
List metadata
List custom objects
Update custom object
Custom query
Update one field of object
Custom query incremental updated
Create custom object
Delete custom object
Get custom object
Create custom object
Update custom object
Create note
Create custom notification action
List custom notification types
Create custom notification type
Update custom notification type
Delete custom notification type
Get custom notification type
Get report
List reports
List report rows
Download file
Get baseUrl
Blob insert
Custom query (all)
Get api version limits
Do custom query incremental
Update one field of object
List products
Create product
Update product
Get product by id
List object types
Describe object
List fields from object
Create object
Update object
List object types
List fields from object
List pricebooks
List pricebookentries
List pricebookentries of product
List campaigns
Create campaign
Get campaign by id
List campaign members
Create campaign member
Update campaign member
Delete campaign member
List new and updated campaign members incrementally
List accounts
Search accounts
Create account
Get account
Update account
Delete account
List new updated and deleted accounts incrementally
List new and updated accounts incrementally
List accounts
Get account
List new updated and deleted accounts incrementally
Create account
Update account
List listviews
Get listview
List my chatter news feed
Get my chatter account info
List company chatter news feed
List chatter feed types
List company chatter news feed incrementally
List chatter groups
List of groups from Chatter.
Get chatter group feed by group id
List of feeds(messages) from a Chatter group.
List chatter streams
List of streams from Chatter.
Get chatter stream feed by stream id
List of feeds(messages) from a Chatter stream.
List new chatter group feeds incrementally
List of feeds(messages) from a Chatter group.
List new chatter stream feeds incrementally
List of feeds(messages) from a Chatter stream.
Post feed to chatter group by group id
Add a new message(feed) to a chatter group
Post chatter comment to feed by feed id
Add a comment to a chatter feed'
Post feed item
Add a new message(feed) to a chatter group
Send a Direct Message
sends a direct message to members
List users
Returns a list of active and inactive users
Get user by id
List active users
List inactive users
List new and updated active users incrementally
List new and updated inactive users incrementally
Get current user
Get user info
List opportunities
Get opportunity
List new and updated opportunities incrementally
List opportunity history
List opportunity history incrementally
List opportunities history
List opportunities history incrementally
Create opportunity
Update opportunity
Upsert opportunity by external id
Update or insert an opportunity based on its external id.
List new and updated opportunities incrementally (no products or campaign functionality enabled)
Use this endpoint if you don't have the products or campaign functionality enabled in your version of Salesforce
Get opportunity product
Get opportunity product by opportunity id
List new and updated opportunities incrementally (no products or campaign functionality enabled)
Use this endpoint if you don't have the products or campaign functionality enabled in your version of Salesforce
List opportunities
Get opportunity
List new updated and deleted opportunities incrementally
Create opportunity
Update opportunity
Delete opportunity
Create task
List tasks
List new and updated tasks incrementally
List task status fields
Update task
Create task
Difference with V0 is that this endpoint contains custom_fields
List timeline events
Create timeline event
List new and updated timeline events incrementally
Update timeline event
List upload jobs
Create bulk upload job
Upload job data
Close or abort upload job
Get upload job information
Get upload job successful record results
Get upload job failed record results
Get upload job unprocessed records results
List orders
List new updated and deleted orders incrementally
Create order
Update order
Get order
Delete order
Raw API list deleted records incrementally request
Raw API list new and updated records incrementally request
Raw API get record by id request
Raw API get record by external id request
Raw API create request
Raw API update request
Raw API delete request
Raw API upsert record by external ID request
Raw API list records incrementally request
Raw API list request
Raw API request
Need another feature from Salesforce?
Contact us, our dedicated team can usually add new features in 48 hours.

Integrate your SaaS platform with 500+ cloud tools

Use to add comprehensive integrations to your SaaS platform

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