is an embedded integration and automation platform for SaaS companies

Offer your customers comprehensive integrations between your SaaS platform, and ALLOcloud

Fast, flexible and powerful integrations is an embedded integration platform for SaaS companies. Use the Blend Editor to create comprehensive integrations between your SaaS platform and 500+ marketing, sales and events cloud tools without coding.

Integrate your SaaS platform with and ALLOcloud to sync data between cloud tools, trigger certain actions in and ALLOcloud when some data changes in your SaaS platform and the other way around.

Supported features

List products
Get product
Create product (one language only)
Update product (one language only)
Create product
Update product
Delete product
List all product variants
Get product variant
Get product attribute
List variants from product
List attributes from product
List reviews from product
List all product options
List suboptions from product option
List values for product option
List customers
Get customer
Create customer
Update customer
Delete customer
List orders
Get order
List order products
Get order products
Create order
Update order
Delete order
List possible statuses for orders
List orders by status
List order totals from order
List order products from order
List order status history from order
List order tags from order
Get order product
List all order products
Create order product
Delete order product
List tax classes
List z-reports
List manufacturers
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Contact us, our dedicated team can usually add new features in 48 hours.


Get my account
List calls
Call number from device
List phone numbers
List contacts
Add contact
Update contact
Get contact
Delete contact
Get contact by remote id
Returns a list of all contacts with a given remote id (the remote id is not unique in ALLOcloud).
List devices
Sync devices
Performs a "SIP notify" to all connected phone devices, so that they update their phone book. This endpoint should be called after updating a large amount of contacts in the phonebook, where the SIP notification per update should disabled.
Need another feature from ALLOcloud?
Contact us, our dedicated team can usually add new features in 48 hours.

Integrate your SaaS platform with 500+ cloud tools

Use to add comprehensive integrations to your SaaS platform

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